Steps to worship
Worship is a practical work. Although studying the theology of worship and discussing it is good, it is not enough. Finally, we learn to worship by worshiping. Please allow us to offer some simple practical steps that I hope will help you in your worship experience.
First, you must learn to experience the presence of God on a daily basis. Really listen to the words of the Apostle Paul: “Pray constantly” (1 Thessalonians 17:5). Praise and worship and be thankful for a moment. Study the Bible personally, and confess and worship our Master Christ. All of this will increase your sense of anticipation in corporate worship, as the corporate experience continues and intensifies your personal experience throughout the week.
Second, experience all kinds of worship. Either alone or in a home Bible study meeting, and with other believers. Pray and worship in groups of two or three. Things happen in small meetings that are not possible in large meetings (due to the volume of meetings). All these small meetings affect and strengthen the collective worship on Sunday.
Third, prepare in advance for the devotional meeting, go to bed early on Saturday night, search your heart and confess your sins. Sing and study the hymns and texts that are to be used on Sunday. On Sunday, gather together before the meeting and pray for God’s presence. Free yourself from all mental and inner turmoil so that you can be deeply present in participation.
Steps to worship
Fourth, be ready to gather together in the strength of God. That is, get free from all personal programs. from worries, or to be blessed personally, or to hear God’s voice personally. The pronoun we use in worship meetings is not “I” but “we”. We must submit to God’s will. We should expect God’s life to be poured out on us, not on individuals. If we pray for the manifestation and emergence of gifts, it does not mean that they will be bestowed on us, but on everyone in the group of believers, and on the whole group as a group, as it is according to God’s will. Become one heart and one vote.
Fifth, cultivate a sense of holy dependence. Holy dependence means to fully rely on God with the expectation that great and important things will happen. It is an inner suffering that causes the evil to weaken and the good to overcome. Let your eyes be on God, he teaches, attracts and saves people. This is the work of God, not you.
Sixth, overcome disturbances with gratitude and appreciation to God. If there is noise around, instead of grumbling and complaining, endure and overcome it. If children are running around, pray for them. Thank God that they are alive and full of strength. Do not be too sensitive to disturbances – be calm, maybe this is a message from God to you. I like to have children in my meetings, because sometimes I can say with confidence that they are the only living creatures in the meetings! Instead of feeling that the disturbances in your environment are distracting you from worshiping God, learn to find blessings in everything that happens in communal participation.
Steps to worship
Seventh, learn to offer the sacrifice of praise. Often, the “feeling” of worship may not be strong in you. Maybe in the past you have been so frustrated and disappointed with this issue that you think it is not worth trying anymore. Or maybe you feel God’s presence very weakly. Although only a few people attend the meetings with prior preparation, but you should also go and offer the sacrifice of praise. You should also be God’s people and say: “We are God’s people.” Although we are stiff-necked and stone-hearted and sinners, we are God’s people together and we come to his presence. I myself often do not feel the desire to worship God, but I kneel down and say: “God, I do not want to worship you at all, but I want to dedicate this time to you.” Because it is yours. I spend this time staying in your presence. »
Isaac Pennington says: “When believers gather to worship, they are like burning coals that warm each other, and as the life force flows through them, they become the cause of strength and vitality for each other.” A single log cannot last long by itself, but when the logs are stacked together, even when they are not very desirable, they make a big fire. Remember the advice of Proverbs 27:27: “Iron sharpens iron.” Even those who have a stagnant spiritual life can help each other, of course, if they are willing to work in this way.
So, go to worship meetings even if you don’t feel like it. Go, even if you are disillusioned with worship. Go with prayer. Go expectantly. Go with the expectation that God will do a new and living action among you.
The fruits of worship
Worship begins with holy expectation and ends with holy obedience. Worship that does not lead us in this direction is not worship. Standing in the presence of the Eternal Holy One requires transformation. When we enter into his glorious light, we can no longer hold grudges against others. According to Jesus, we must first leave our gift before the altar and go to solve the problem (Matthew 23:5 and 24). In worship, an increasing force enters the sacred heart, and compassion increases in the soul and being of a person. To worship means to be transformed.
Steps to worship
Holy obedience, worship from conversion