What is the work of the Holy Spirit? The first part
People tell the story of their faith in Jesus Christ in different ways.
Once Jesus was talking to a religious leader named Nicodemus and said: Amen, Amen, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus said to him: How is it possible for a person who is old to be born? In response, Jesus said to him: Amen, Amen, I tell you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, it is not possible for him to enter the kingdom of God. What is born from the body is the body, and what is born from the soul is the soul. Wow, since I told you that you must be born again, the wind blows wherever it wants and you hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from and where it goes. It is the same for whoever is born of the Spirit (John 3:3-8).
The term rebirth is a bit clichéd and doesn’t always have a positive connotation. But in fact, Jesus was the first to use this phrase. What Jesus is saying is that just like when a man and a woman have intercourse through love and the result of their intercourse is a physical birth, as a result of the union of God’s spirit with the human spirit, such a thing also happens, but a spiritual birth takes place and A new spiritual life begins.
Jesus says that experiencing the Holy Spirit is like being born again. The new birth means that everything comes alive. The Holy Spirit does not change anything and changes everything.
He does not add anything to what Jesus has already said, but revives everything Jesus said and did today.
This is the main purpose of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one who fulfills and re-approves and implements what Jesus commanded. The Holy Spirit is a relationship, a person. A personal relationship filled with love between the Father (God) and the Son (Servant) and if human love can change the lives of two people, imagine what great changes the Holy Spirit, who is love within a person, can bring about. When it is revealed to a person and accepted by that person. There is no more promising experience than experiencing the Holy Spirit.
When we become Christians, it does not mean that we have reached our destination, but it is just the beginning of the road. Just like when a baby is born, it’s not the end of the road. It’s a wonderful moment when a baby is born, but we don’t say, well, it’s over and we have nothing more to do. It is just the beginning of work and the beginning of a new life. When we believe, you are accepted as a member of God’s great family and become a son or daughter of God.
Apostle Paul says in Romans 8:14-15:
All those who are guided by the Spirit of God are sons of God. Because you have not found the spirit of servitude to be afraid again, but you have found the spirit of the son of worship in which we call “Abba” which means “O father”. Paul wrote this epistle at a time when Roman culture and law ruled it and when the adoption of a child by a Roman family was considered the greatest privilege. And Paul says that spiritually and through the Holy Spirit, you are accepted as a member of God’s great family and you become a son or daughter of God and not only his son or daughter but also his heir and there is no position or position higher than this.
Paul also writes in Romans 8:17:
And if we are children, we are also heirs, that is, heirs of God and co-inheritance with Christ, if we share in his sufferings, so that we can also share in his glory. Now, if we consider ourselves to be followers of Jesus, it may mean that we will be rejected or faced with opposition, but this is insignificant compared to the reward we receive, and there is no higher security than being the heir of God and the heir of Jesus Christ. But the Holy Spirit does not only change our identity, but also establishes the closest possible relationship between us and our heavenly Father.
In Romans 8:15, chapter 15 ends like this:
in which we call Abba means father. It is worth noting that the word Abba is an Aramaic word and it may not be easily translated, but it is something like Baba, although not in a childish tone, but because of intimacy, and this word is never used in the Old Testament to describe the relationship of servants with God, but Jesus Christ used it to describe his relationship with God and then said you can also call God Abba. You can have the same very intimate relationship.
Ali Vahidi’s analysis:
The work of the Holy Spirit, as the third element of the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) in Christian beliefs, refers to the work and effects of the Holy Spirit in the lives of humans and the world. In Christianity, the Holy Spirit acts as a divine force to guide, justify and change human beings.
The work of the Holy Spirit means leading and directing people to the right path, increasing knowledge and wisdom in Christianity, and helping people to accept faith and have a closer relationship with God. The Holy Spirit believes in helping humans in moral education, reflection of God’s decisions and knowledge of God.
In Christianity, the Holy Spirit is believed to be active as a holy divine force for deliverance, healing, and guidance through intimate communication with humans. This work of the Holy Spirit is very important as one of the important religious principles in Christianity, and it is a guidance and justification for Christians for spiritual and moral life.
Today in the article : What is the work of the Holy Spirit? The first part We reviewed useful information about the Bible and the way of Jesus. If you wish, you can view other articles of Ali Vahidi about Christianity