Was the Bible Written by Men or God?
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
If you were God and wanted to deliver your word to humanity, what system would you use? Verbally to each person? hardly Music? Good, but hardly effective. Lightning and thunder? Loud and attention-grabbing for sure, but not really relevant.
Maybe you use people to spread your word by word of mouth. Well, yes, but it’s not the best way to get the message to everyone you want to hear it.
So what method did you use? Conceivably, you could very well work through humans to get your message across in a way they can understand.
And that brings us to the Bible.
Sixty-six different books. Written by about 40 authors in three different languages on three different continents over a period of (about) 1500 years.
Writing styles vary from historical narrative to prose, poetry, poetic hymns, sermons, private letters and even apocalyptic narrative. And yes, autobiographical narrative.
The book is much like a woven panel that shows a wonderful and beautiful image on one side, and then, when flipped over, shows us consistent threads throughout the work. We see consistent themes from Genesis chapter 1, verse 1 to Revelation chapter 22, verse 21: “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with God’s people. Amen.”
How can the Bible be the word of God when it was written by men?
This is actually a common objection we hear. Atheists and other detractors of the Bible claim that our faith is worthless, blind, and without evidence.
It is impossible for them to believe the Bible because it was written by men and is not fully supported by science and its stories seem too absurd to believe.
Stories within the Bible, such as Jonah and the Big Fish or even Daniel in the Lions Den, are considered absurd, and that’s even before we get to the Gospels.
Jesus’ miracles, his death, and especially his resurrection, are all dismissed as legends or myths, or worse, to control or coerce others.
It seems that because the scriptures are “religious” works, contain miracles they don’t believe in, or lay down “rules” they don’t want to follow – the Bible is dismissed with an easy argument. What is rejected is any evidence of the historicity of the scriptures.
However, even many believers today reject much of the Bible as “written by man.” In fact, there was a recent response to a post on social media where a woman lived only by the scarlet words of Jesus and completely rejected the other books of the New Testament because they were all written by men.
Thus, this woman justified accepting what she wanted to accept – and rejecting everything she found difficult or disagreed with.
The basis of this argument is the denial that the rest of the New Testament was written by men.
Of course, using the Bible to teach people about God and Jesus seems like a difficult task. Quoting verses and sermons will have no effect. Why should they read or believe a book they don’t believe in?
On the other hand, the fact is that the scriptures were actually written by humans. Contrary to what some would like to believe, this book was not written by a top secret group with the goal of enslaving and controlling people. However, letters, books, sermons, and poems were all written by men and compiled by men.
Trust God’s word
Many have tried to find the Bible a lie or even something false and untrue. All have failed. After all, prove something false and the inerrancy of the Bible is seriously called into question, just as God’s intervention is certainly called into question.
However, on the contrary, with each generation, more information in the Bible has proven to be accurate. Certainly, the absence of error applies to both science and faith.
Of course, much of the Bible’s writings contain verifiable information, dealing with historical events and the conditions of each era. Almost all the Gospels detail events that took place in public:
A large crowd spread their clothes on the road, and others cut branches from trees and spread them on the road. (Matthew chapter 21, verse 8)
It also stands to reason that any writing by men over 2,000 years ago would contain some scientific errors. What was considered true at the time has now been proven false. But so far no such error has been found.
Today in the article : Was the Bible Written by Men or God? We reviewed useful information about the Bible and the way of Jesus. If you wish, you can view other articles of Ali Vahidi about Christianity