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The presence of the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit According to the Jews, the lamb that was sacrificed for God was always for atonement.

Dove come back!

Sin is the only thing that prevents the awakening of Christ’s church. The most important question that must be answered now is “What should be done for the divine dove to return to our lives with his grace, grace and power?” ». The answer to this question is simply: “Lamb of God” because Jesus is not only a simple lamb, a lamb with sheared wool, a silent and speechless lamb, and finally a lamb without blemish and without spot.

But more important than these and above everything else, he is the sacrificial lamb.

According to the Jews, the lamb that was sacrificed for God was always for atonement. His humility and submission were much less important than his main work. Because the main task of the lamb was to atone for the sacrificer’s sin by sprinkling its blood on the altar. The humility of Lord Jesus who became our lamb was important in this way that he could take our place on the cross, become a sacrifice in our place and carry our sins on his body on the gallows until we repent. He can forgive all our sins and cleanse us from every stain of sin. In addition, God wants to take us to the cross to show us how our sins have wounded and hurt the Lamb of God. One of the black clerics in a song he wrote asks: “Were you there when God crucified me?” The answer is: Yes, we were there. “When we are not ready to be “crushed”, we prove that we were among those who killed him in Golgotha. Our gracious lamb was willing to sacrifice for them and for us so that when we finally repented, there would be precious blood that would forgive us and cleanse us from every sin. May God make this deep and very serious matter crush our proud hearts and make us repent! Because when we see that our sins are placed in the heart of Jesus so that we are crushed and ready to repent and repair our relationship with God and others, it is only at this time that the blood of the lamb cleanses us from these sins and the divine dove He returns to our hearts with his peace and blessings.

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The translation of one of the English hymns is as follows:
He humbled himself and was born in a manger,
And he was so humble that he was nailed to the cross.
But I am so proud and stubborn that I am not ready to become his humble student.
He surrendered himself completely to the will of the heavenly father, and wanted his life to be full of light.
But I prefer war to rest and I want to be fair with my efforts.
Oh God, crush me, cleanse me and fill me up and make me dwell in you, so that our friendship becomes unbreakable and your name is holy in our lives.

One of the holy African Christians told the people in his sermon that when he was going up the hill to come to the place of worship, he heard footsteps behind him. He turned and saw a man carrying a very heavy load and climbing up the hill. He fell in love with her and started talking to her. Suddenly, he realized that the man’s hands were wounded and that he was none other than Christ. The preacher said to Jesus: “Lord, will you lift the sin of the world from the hill?” Jesus answered: “No, these are not the sins of the world, they are only yours!” When this African Christian was describing the vision that God had shown him, the hearts of the people and his own were broken because they all saw their sins on the cross. Our hearts also need to be broken and only when our hearts are broken. be crushed, we will be ready to confess our sins. Apologize. Let’s reconcile and make amends for our sins after true repentance. Then, when we are ready to humble ourselves like God, the divine dove will return to us.

Come back, heavenly dove, come back, sweet messenger of peace!
I hate the sins that your grief made and pushed you out of my chest.
Under the authority of the divine dove

At the end of this chapter, one point should be added. Dove is a sign of peace and tranquility. This truth makes us realize that if the blood of the lamb cleanses us and we walk humbly with him. The sign of the presence and fullness of the Holy Spirit is peace and tranquility. The benchmark and measure of our spiritual life is always this peace and tranquility. In Colossians 15:3 we read: “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.” Whenever the dove stops singing in our hearts and we lose our peace, we must have committed a sin and the humility of the lamb is no longer in us. We should ask God to show us this sin and immediately repent and bring it to the cross. Then again, the divine dove will find its original place in our hearts and divine peace will be granted to us. It is in this way that we can see the presence and permanent residence of the Holy Spirit in us that every sinful human being can obtain by using the precious blood of Jesus.

Today in the article : The presence of the Holy Spirit  We reviewed useful information about the Bible and the way of Jesus. If you wish, you can view other articles of Ali Vahidi about Christianity

Ali Vahidi

The persianchristianway website is a Persian-language online resource dedicated to promoting Christian teachings and providing resources for Persian-speaking Christians. The website is managed by Ali Vahidi and includes a wide range of audio and visual materials on Christian teachings. Ali Vahidi, the director of The Way of Christ website, is a committed Christian who has been active in the Persian-speaking Christian community for over 2 years. The Way of Christ is a valuable resource for Persian-speaking Christians seeking to deepen their faith and connect with other Christians. The website offers a wide range of materials and tools that can help Christians at all stages of their faith journey.

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