Ways to Comfort the Fear of Death with Our Faith
Faith in Christianity can be a source of comfort and consolation in the face of death. Death is an inevitable issue in human life and many people are afraid of it. This fear can be caused by the unknown, fear of pain and suffering, or worry about the fate after death. Here we introduce you 3 ways to find peace from the fear of death with faith
Based on a true story (faith in Christianity)
What do we say when faced with someone who is struggling with the fear of death? Based on the following true story, let’s explore five ways to face the fear of death through faith:
I can hear his cries from my room. I stop what I’m doing and go to him immediately. He’s the oldest, turning thirteen a few weeks ago, which means these tears have more power than scratches or minor annoyances, like his younger brothers. His tears indicate that there is something wrong and he most likely needs me.
Before I reach her room, we run into each other in the hallway. With tears in his eyes and breathing that is difficult to come up, he asks for help. She says she needs to talk, something I already knew—mothers have a sense for these kinds of things.
We sit and he sobs: “I’m afraid to die. I am afraid of getting cancer like my grandmother. I’m afraid mom. And more than anything, I fear that it will all end in nothing.”
Walk with love (Christian faith)
I think to myself which religious verses can soothe his fear. I think of God’s promises that there will never be “nothing” but only eternity. I think of the foundation of our faith, which explains that the body must return to the earth and that death is only the beginning of eternal life and perfection.
Looking at her and realizing this moment, I know she needs her mother right now, not religious verses or a reminder of her faith. He needs a mother who is with him in his fears as much as in his happy moments. He needs a mother who listens carefully to the concerns of his heart and the fears of his mind. He needs honest and real silences, silences that confirm the turmoil within him.
You are my everything, so there is no chance of “nothing” for you or anyone else who knows and trusts God. A mother’s promises and love are bold and unwavering; The only thing more powerful and divine is God’s promises and love.
It is common to suffer from fear and anxiety. It is natural to have questions about life and death and to be curious about faith. Even being curious about God is okay. You will find most of the things you are looking for in religious texts and what is not there, you can ask God in your prayers. You have a family to help you build a strong and stable faith, but that comes with time, age, and experience. Faith is built through pain and suffering, things you fortunately have yet to experience. Through trials and tribulations, you learn God’s steadfast ways and understand what you are made of. Romans chapter 6 verse 23 tells us this:
“But the grace of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
You probably don’t know the meaning of eternal, eternal means endless and eternal. That is, it is the opposite of nothingness. That means everything – forever. Remember this beautiful truth in moments of weakness.
These profound words tell us,
“If you believe in Jesus, you will spend eternity in heaven.”
This is one of the promises that helped your grandmother enter the final years of her life without worrying about what was to come. He was sure that heaven was ready and waiting for him. One day, I hope all of us will be as steadfast in our faith in this promise as he is.
Trust God with all your heart
When you are anxious and I am not by your side, rely on the book of Proverbs chapter 3 verse 5. This verse has always helped me; In fact, it matches my birth month and day and is subtly tied to my life. I have always felt that this is not a coincidence, but a constant reminder of the truth that should guide me in life. This verse says:
“Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; Know Him in all your ways, then He will make your paths straight. (Faith in Christianity)
You may not believe it, but I also have an anxious soul. I am an imperfect human who always seeks to improve and learn. These words have helped me reduce my anxiety about life’s choices and the unknown and instead put my full faith in God, knowing that He will always lead me in the right direction.
Today in the article : Ways to Comfort the Fear of Death with Our Faith We reviewed useful information about the Bible and the way of Jesus. If you wish, you can view other articles of Ali Vahidi about Christianity