
What Are the 70 Weeks of Daniel and What Does this End Time Prophecy Mean?

Although theologians have not reached a consensus on the exact time of the occurrence of the seventy weeks of Daniel 9, we can draw some conclusions from this mysterious prophecy. In this prophecy, the angel Gabriel appears to the prophet Daniel and provides insight into the future of the Jewish people and Jerusalem.

“Seventy seventy is destined for your people and your holy city to end rebellion, end sin, atone for evil, bring eternal justice, seal vision and prophecy, and anoint the Holy of Holies. » – Daniel 9:24

Daniel’s seventy weeks

The angel Gabriel comes to Daniel after he prays for Israel at the end of the ninth chapter. Gabriel points out that before God puts an end to sin and brings eternal justice, there will be “seventy seventies” (Daniel 9:24).

Scholars agree that “seventy” seems to mean “year”. Therefore, 70 times 7 equals 490 years. Although Christians commonly refer to the period during which God brings eternal justice as 70 weeks, they really mean 70 times 7 years.

This prophecy divides these 490 years into several parts:

49 years (7 x 7): The time it takes to rebuild Jerusalem from its destruction by the Babylonians (Daniel 9:25), which occurs in the book of Nehemiah.
434 years (62 times 7): the appointed time to wait for the coming of the Anointed (Daniel 9:26). The anointed here seems to be referring to Jesus.
After that 434 years: they kill Mossuh and destroy the city. The first half of this refers to Jesus’ death on the cross. The Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD, including the temple rebuilt in Nehemiah.
The Last Year (1 x 7): Usually refers to the tribulation period that occurs in Revelation, when the Antichrist comes, persecutes Christians, and Jesus returns for the Second Coming. Theologians differ on whether this has already happened or whether we are still waiting for its fulfillment in the 70-69 years. This article assumes that we have not yet reached the 70th week.

The purpose of Daniel’s seventy weeks

Theologians have collected the dates of the first 69 weeks. According to the timeline of the Jewish calendars, the 69th week will lead to Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, followed by his death and resurrection soon after.

This means that the prophecy given to Daniel in the 3rd or 2nd century BC was fulfilled hundreds of years later in 30 AD. The probability of a single prophecy of this nature alone occurring in reality would be incredibly small. Thus, the first 69 weeks provide a reason to believe in Christ’s death, resurrection, and saving plan for our lives. He made the impossible possible.

But these weeks are also historically important. Daniel and his people endured many tribulations, leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection on the cross and beyond. The Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and captured many people. The Seleucid Empire attempted to force the Israelites to follow Hellenistic culture, leading to the Maccabean Revolt (celebrated on Hanukkah). The Romans conquered Israel and later destroyed the Temple and dispersed the Jewish people in an event known as the Diaspora.

When does Daniel’s seventy weeks begin?

Daniel gives clues about what will happen during the seven-year tribulation period:

1. There will be wars (Daniel 9:26).
2. The Antichrist will come and make a covenant with the Jewish people. Here is a description of him.
3. The Antichrist, known in Daniel as the “destroying serpent,” will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings in the temple.
4. Jesus will return sometime before or after the 70th week. Theologians have not reached a consensus about its time.

Some theologians have attributed the epithet “Rages the Destroyer” to Antiochus Epiphanes IV, who entered the temple, stopped the sacrifices, and placed an altar to Zeus in the temple, an abomination in Jewish culture.
The book of Revelation details the antichrist’s modus operandi. For example, he will try to change laws and times to prevent prophecies from coming true. He will try to take God’s place and will greatly persecute God’s saints.

هفتاد هفته‌ی دانیال

As the 70th week approaches, prepare for the greatest persecution and martyrdom ever seen in the history of Christianity.
But also prepare for God’s renewal of all things at the end of the 70th week, where He will bring righteousness and renewal for eternity.

Today in the article : What Are the 70 Weeks of Daniel and What Does this End Time Prophecy Mean? We reviewed useful information about the Bible and the way of Jesus. If you wish, you can view other articles of Ali Vahidi about Christianity

Ali Vahidi

The persianchristianway website is a Persian-language online resource dedicated to promoting Christian teachings and providing resources for Persian-speaking Christians. The website is managed by Ali Vahidi and includes a wide range of audio and visual materials on Christian teachings. Ali Vahidi, the director of The Way of Christ website, is a committed Christian who has been active in the Persian-speaking Christian community for over 2 years. The Way of Christ is a valuable resource for Persian-speaking Christians seeking to deepen their faith and connect with other Christians. The website offers a wide range of materials and tools that can help Christians at all stages of their faith journey.

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