What Is Eschatology?
Eschatology is a branch of Christian theology that studies the end times. This includes examining future events such as death, resurrection, rapture, second coming of Christ, final judgment, hell and heaven.
What is the biblical meaning of eschatology?
When we break down the word eschatology, it means “last things” or “the end.” “Eschatology” comes from the Greek word “eschata” meaning “last” or “furthest,” as in the last thing in a spectrum, and “ology” always means “study of.” When we put these words together, we get the phrase “the study of the last things.”
Usually, when Christians think of the word eschatology, they think of the book of Revelation. If you make that assumption, it is absolutely true. All twenty-one chapters of Revelation refer to future events (although we could argue that the letters to the seven churches were also written to actual churches—not just future churches operating now or in the future).
Where does eschatology appear in the Bible?
We see glimpses of the “last things” throughout the Old and New Testaments. Jesus mentioned eschatology several times in his sermons. Although we cannot describe all the examples of apocalyptic studies in the Bible, I would like to give a few examples below to show the breadth of the subject.
Daniel 9: The Antichrist is described in great detail (although some believe that Antiochus Epiphanes, Nero, or other controversial figures played his forerunner). He will try to thwart God’s plans, harm God’s people, and try to turn the world against God.
Zechariah 14: A great battle is described, which is referred to in more detail in the Battle of Armageddon in Revelation.
Acts 1: Describes Jesus’ return as told by an angel just after Jesus’ ascension. The second coming of Jesus plays an important role in eschatology.
Matthew 24: The author mentions the eternal punishment and rewards that await unbelievers and believers, respectively. These matters are further explained in Revelation 20.
2 Peter 3: In the last days, many skeptics will question Christians. They will say, “You claimed that Jesus is coming back, but where is he? “Maybe you were completely wrong.”
We could cite many other examples, but I highly recommend checking out these verses as well. Several scriptures refer to the second coming of Christ and the events that will take place at the end of the old earth and heavens.
Recognizing that the Bible has many verses that refer to the end times, we must understand that many verses are ambiguous or symbolic. For example, Daniel describes a final empire (ruled under the Antichrist) as a terrible beast with many horns. We know this beast won’t be an actual Godzilla who rules (although the beast described in Revelations sure looks like it). Because some of the nature of eschatology is mysterious, it can be difficult to know exactly what will happen, especially since only God knows when and where these events will occur (Matthew 24).
What are the different types of biblical eschatology?
There are several different theories about the nature of eschatology. Since apocalyptic events take place in the future, we cannot know exactly what will happen. In addition, there are issues with all these theories that can be discussed.
Before we get into these theories, we need to understand a few important events mentioned in the Bible. These events are presented in no particular order because different views on eschatology differ on when these events will occur.
Tribulation: Christians will experience severe trials under the rule of the Antichrist and his followers. We can imagine that this will lead to distress, torture, death and martyrdom.
Second Coming of Christ: At some point, Jesus will return. In 1 Thessalonians 4, the believers meet him in heaven. His arrival is announced by the sound of trumpets and he comes riding on a white horse.
Millennial period: Christ and his followers will rule for 1000 years. Satan will remain in prison for a certain period of time. Millennialists disagree on whether the 1,000 years are real or symbolic.
Final Judgment: Satan is released and plans a war against God’s followers and Jerusalem. At this time, God will defeat Satan and his army and perform the final judgment. Unbelievers will experience the second death and Satan and the Unholy Trinity will be cast into the lake of fire. The old heaven and earth will be destroyed and God will introduce a new earth and heaven.
Today in the article : What Is Eschatology? We reviewed useful information about the Bible and the way of Jesus. If you wish, you can view other articles of Ali Vahidi about Christianity