What is the Bible? A complete guide to the different books of the Bible.
What is the Bible of Christians? What sections is this valuable book composed of? Are all its contents from God? In this article, we have answered all these questions and other inquiries about the Bible.
فرست محتوا
- 1 What is the Bible?
- 2 What is the Old Testament?
- 3 The Book of Genesis
- 4 The Book of Psalms
- 5 The Book of Proverbs
- 6 What is the New Testament?
- 7 The Four Gospels
- 8 The Acts of the Apostles
- 9 The Book of Revelation
- 10 The Epistles of the Apostles
- 11 In what language was the Gospel written?
- 12 What is the divine significance of the Bible?
What is the Bible?
The Bible, the divinely revealed word of God, consists of 66 books divided into two main parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. This book narrates the history of human salvation and the relationship between humanity and God. In this article, we take a closer look at this holy book and its significance in the lives of Christians.
What is the Old Testament?
The Old Testament is one of the two main parts of the Bible and consists of 39 books. This section, which refers to the covenant between God and Abraham, narrates the history and teachings of the Jewish faith. The stories of the Old Testament begin with the creation of the world and humanity and continue with the lives of prophets, kings, and significant historical events up to the arrival of Jesus Christ.
In this section, we introduce some examples of the books that make up the Old Testament, including the Torah.
The Book of Genesis
Genesis, the first book of the Torah and the opening section of the Old Testament, is known as “Bereshit” in Hebrew, meaning “In the beginning.” Genesis recounts foundational stories such as the creation of the world and humanity, Noah’s flood, the Tower of Babel, and the genealogies of the founding families of the Israelite nation, including Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The Book of Psalms
The Book of Psalms, one of the most important sections of the Old Testament, includes a collection of poems and prayers by King David. These poems cover a wide range of human emotions and are recognized as some of the most beautiful examples of religious literature.
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The Book of Proverbs
This book is a collection of poems and writings by King Solomon.
What is the New Testament?
The word “Gospel,” derived from Greek meaning “Good News,” refers to a collection of 27 books that form the second part of the Christian Bible, containing the narrative of Jesus Christ’s life, teachings, and doctrines.
The main theme of this section of the Bible is the introduction of Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah and the establishment of a new covenant between God and humanity through Him. This section shows how Jesus Christ replaced the Mosaic Law and provided a new way for human salvation.
After Moses’ covenant, God established a new covenant with humanity, introducing Jesus Christ as the mediator of this covenant. According to this covenant, faith in Jesus and His sacrifice is the way for the forgiveness of sins and human salvation.
It is worth mentioning that there is also a book called the Gospel of Barnabas, which mentions the last prophet and invites people towards him, thus being more accepted by Muslims.
The New Testament of Christianity is composed of 27 books, which are divided into four main categories: the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles of Paul and other Apostles, and the Book of Revelation. Below, we provide a brief explanation of each of these sections.
The Four Gospels
The Four Gospels, recognized as the first books of the New Testament, include four independent narratives of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ written by the Apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Each of the Four Gospels presents the life and teachings of Jesus Christ from a unique perspective, providing a more comprehensive picture of Him when taken together.
The Acts of the Apostles
Luke, one of the authors of the Four Gospels, also wrote the Acts of the Apostles, which narrates the early events of the Christian Church.
After the ascension of Jesus Christ, the Apostles faced new challenges. They restored their number to twelve by choosing Matthias to replace Judas Iscariot. Additionally, the transformation of Saul of Tarsus (Paul) from a staunch enemy of Christianity to one of its most fervent proponents marked a significant turning point in Christian history. Moreover, the event of Pentecost, where the Apostles spoke in different tongues, signified the beginning of the global spread of Christianity.
The Book of Revelation
The Book of Revelation is one of the most mysterious books of the New Testament, describing end-time events and the return of Christ in symbolic and metaphorical language. John the Apostle provides stunning images of the divine throne and the power of Christ, forecasting events that will transform the world. Interpreting this book requires a deep understanding of symbolism and the Bible, and it should never be taken at face value.
The Epistles of the Apostles
This section of the New Testament includes letters from the Apostles of Jesus Christ written to the early churches. These letters address issues such as guidance for resolving internal church problems, combating false teachings, encouraging perseverance in faith, and providing moral instructions.
The Epistles of the Apostles include important writings from prominent Apostles such as Paul, Peter, John, and James. There is also an epistle attributed to Jude, often identified as Jude Thaddeus.
In what language was the Gospel written?
The original language of the Christian Bible, specifically the New Testament, has been a topic of scholarly debate for years. While there is evidence suggesting that parts of the New Testament were written in Aramaic and later translated into Greek, most scholars believe that Greek, as the common language of the Roman Empire, was the primary language of the New Testament’s composition.
The collection of Gospel manuscripts is a valuable treasure for researchers. To date, over 24,000 manuscripts of this holy book have been discovered, a significant portion of which are written in Greek, the original language of the Gospel. The extensive use of papyrus for writing these manuscripts indicates their antiquity and importance. This vast number of manuscripts makes the Gospel the most widely transcribed ancient book, allowing for precise and meticulous study of its text.
While the primary language of the Gospel remains a subject of discussion among researchers, apart from Greek and possibly Aramaic, the Gospel has also been translated into other languages such as Syriac and Latin. Over the centuries, numerous versions of the Gospel with different names, like the Gospel of the Egyptians, the Gospel of the Hebrews, the Gospel of Mary, etc., have been produced. Although these versions differ in content from the original Gospel, they reflect humanity’s efforts to better understand and spread the message of this holy book.
The Codex Amiatinus, the oldest complete manuscript of the Bible in Latin, was written in the 8th century AD. This handwritten manuscript is a valuable treasure for researchers of Christian history. With the invention of printing, the first printed version of the New Testament was published in the 16th century, revolutionizing the spread of the Bible.
What is the divine significance of the Bible?
The Bible is a collection of sacred texts that include sections such as the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Gospel, a part of the New Testament, holds a special place among Christians due to its account of Jesus Christ’s life and teachings, serving as their primary source of inspiration and faith.
As the holy book of Christians, the Bible is one of the best-selling and most-read books in history, with over two billion followers worldwide adhering to its teachings.
With unparalleled linguistic diversity, the Bible has been translated into over 2,100 languages. This holy book, encompassing the Torah and the Gospel, has become one of the most widely used and best-selling texts throughout history. The Gospel, with six billion copies sold since 1815, attests to this claim.
It is important to note that Jews consider the Old Testament as the primary source of their beliefs and practices. In contrast, Christians believe in the entire Bible, including the Torah (Old Testament) and the Gospel (New Testament), as the word of God.