What is the National Day of Prayer?
The original call for a national day of prayer and fasting was made by the Continental Congress in 1775. Also, Abraham Lincoln called for a National Day of Prayer in 1863, amidst the chaos of the Civil War. However, this day was not celebrated until 1952 by President Harry S. Truman did not become law.
According to the National Day of Prayer website, on April 17, 1952, Public Law 82-324, Article 119 was passed, which stated:
“The President shall set aside and proclaim a suitable day each year, other than Sunday, as a national day of prayer, a day on which the people of the United States may pray to God in their churches, individually and in groups. bring.”
In 1979, the official National Prayer Committee (NPC) was formed and the first ceremony organized by this committee was held in 1983 at Constitution Hall in Washington, DC. However, no exact day was mentioned for the annual celebration.
If you want to pray as a family, there is a guide called “Pray for Your Nation” that provides a seven-day plan to pray for each of these seven centers of influence. This guide contains passages of scriptures and specific topics for prayer in each area.
Also, verses 1-2 of the second chapter of 1 Timothy tell us to pray for all people, but especially for those in positions of authority: Intercession, mourning and thanksgiving will be done. Especially for the kings and for all the officials, so that we can have a peaceful and safe life in all piety and righteousness.
What is the National Day of Prayer?
It is not just praying for the government. The prayer guide on the National Day of Prayer covers all seven centers of influence. This guide begins with a prayer for the family and uses the Gospel of Luke, chapter 11, verses 1-13 as the basis for the discussion. Since the family is one of the smallest units of our society, it seems logical to start here. Ask yourself how families can be a center of influence or how we can pray for each other as a family.
The next center is the church. Just as we pray for our government leaders, we should also pray for our church leaders. Prayers can also include specific issues your local church may be facing and national or global issues.
Business is the next center of influence, because the economy affects everyone in some way. How can we pray for local businesses? What are the most important needs of our business communities? Philippians chapter 4, verse 19 tells us that God meets all our needs, so we should intercede for those around us by asking for divine provision.
Our educational system is one of the largest effective centers in our country. We need to pray for our teachers, for the equipment and supplies they need, and most importantly for the protection of our children and all those who work with them.
Art, entertainment and media have a great influence on our nation. We can pray that their divine gifts will be used to glorify Him and uplift His audience.
Obviously, we should always pray for our military who are putting themselves in harm’s way to protect us. We need to look for ways to pray for active duty soldiers and veterans who need prayer for the injuries and emotional stress of such difficult jobs.
Pray for the government, for the wisdom and integrity of our leaders. At the federal level, pray for the president, vice president, cabinet members, congressional leaders, and Supreme Court justices. At the state level, pray for your governor, executive, legislative, and judicial leaders. In local government, pray for your mayor, city council, police chief, fire chief, judges, and county officials.
The National Day of Prayer is about more than just praying about what’s happening in the political arena and our national leaders. While this is important, these other areas must also be brought before God’s throne in order for us to be a godly nation.
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