What is the power of Christ’s blood for?
How can we experience the power of Christ’s blood in our lives in the best way? When we look at the lamb bowing on the cross to find the answer. Our hearts answer that it should have the character of Christ and as he bowed his head, we should also lower our heads as a sign of being crushed. Just like the character of Christ, his blood has made him powerful. The power of his blood will work in us in the best way when we find the characteristics of the lamb. We can truly have the character of Christ. (Philippians 5:2 and 1 Corinthians 16:2). Because by the death of Christ, his nature has been transferred to us. All the fruits of the spirit mentioned in the fifth chapter of Galatians. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control are the characteristics of the lamb like Christ, and the Holy Spirit wants to fill us with these. So let’s never forget that although Lord Jesus is sitting on the glorious throne of God, he is still a lamb. (Refer to the Revelation of John the Apostle) and he wants to create his character in us as well.
But are we ready for him to do this? There is a stubborn and disobedient spirit in us that defends itself and opposes others. This ego must be crushed so that we are ready to find the nature and characteristics of the Lamb and the precious blood of Christ can cleanse us. We may pray for a long time to be cleansed from some sins and for divine peace and tranquility to enter our hearts. But until we are ready for the sin that God shows us, to be crushed and humbled like a lamb, there will be no change in us. Every sin we commit originates from an unbroken ego that is proud. And we will not be comforted by the blood of Christ. Unless we find the source of each sin and specifically repent for it. And change our behavior that caused this sin. Of course, all this requires humility.
We should not force ourselves to be humble like Christ. Rather, we just have to walk in the light and let God reveal every sin that is in our hearts. At this time, we will see that God wants us to endure the suffering of repentance and surrender even for minor and unimportant mistakes. The same resistance that we show in front of crushing and repenting of these seemingly unimportant matters is a sign of their importance. God may ask us to confess our mistake to someone and ask him for forgiveness or to make amends for the mistake we have made. (Matthew 23:5-24). It is possible that God will show us that we should be short and give up our supposed rights. (If Jesus had no right to himself, how are we?) May God ask us to go to the person who has wronged us and apologize for holding a grudge against him. (Jesus never held a grudge against anyone or anything, how can we imagine such a right for ourselves?) Maybe God wants us to open our hearts to our friends so that they know us as we are and can establish true friendship with us. . These actions may seem offensive to us, because they are completely different from our normal behavior, which is accompanied by pride and self-righteousness. It is through these works that we will understand what real humility is and we will share in the humility of the lamb. When we are ready to obey God in every matter, the blood of the lamb will cleanse us from all sins and we will walk in purity with God and divine peace and tranquility will fill our hearts.
Today in the article : What is the power of Christ’s blood for? We reviewed useful information about the Bible and the way of Jesus. If you wish, you can view other articles of Ali Vahidi about Christianity