Why and how should we read the Bible? The first part
Why and how should we read the Bible?
We live in a time where we are more connected than ever. As soon as something happens anywhere in the world, we will know about it immediately.
But despite all this information, it is difficult to distinguish important information from unimportant information.
For many people, the Bible seems a little old fashioned or hard to understand. What can the Bible have to say in the 21st century?
In the 18th century, the French philosopher Voltaire predicted that the Bible would join the museum within 100 years of his life, and the most advanced philosophies would take its place.
But today, the Bible is still the most popular book in the world. It is the most successful literary work in history.
More than 100 million Bibles are sold or distributed every year. Version Bible program has been downloaded more than 200 million times.
Why and how should we read the Bible?
In fact, it’s so popular that it’s left the weekly bestseller list.
According to many people, the Bible is the most popular book of all time because it is also the most powerful book. It has the power to change people and societies.
On the coronation day, the Queen of England was given a Bible book on which they wrote: With this book, we give you the most precious thing in the world.
The Bible is invaluable. The psalmist describes the gospel as: more valuable than gold;
Book of Psalms 19:10. In fact, it is so valuable that some risk their lives to share it with others.
The Bible was revealed by God.
For example, Paul says: All books are inspired by God.
It seems that when we read it, we see signs of the truth and it proves that it is so and we can realize this in our own lives. When we practice it and read it, we feel that God is talking to me in this way. He says: We are not blindly searching for God or waiting for Him to speak about the first faith because God has already spoken and there is nothing beyond that, we must see which has not been revealed to us.
Let us receive the sublime treasure from the words that have been revealed to us. Over the course of 1,600 years, the Bible was written by at least 40 authors. Kings, thinkers, paupers, philosophers, fishermen, poets, statesmen, historians, teachers, prophets, doctors. They wrote different types of literature, such as history, poetry, prophecy and letters. Therefore, the Bible is 100% the work of human authors, but 100% inspired by God. How is this possible?
The Bible has different authors, but it has one architect, one source of inspiration, and that is God himself.
This is not to say that there are no problems. Peter says about the letters of the Apostle Paul: There are some things in these letters that I think are really difficult to understand. Of course, the Bible contains many difficult passages. Hard parts about ethics and history and apparent contradictions. If you have ever read the Old Testament, you know that shocking things happened, and you might think, how could this be inspired by God? It’s a bit like suffering and God’s love. In the heart of Christianity, there is God’s love, but then you look at the world and see all this suffering and think.
How can God’s love and suffering be together? It is not easy and in the same way, how can the source of inspiration of the Bible and its difficult content be placed together?
By understanding the type of literature you read and the context in which it was written, some of these contradictions can be resolved, and Jesus plays an essential role in interpreting what we read.
Jesus is love. He is the great revelation of God. If we want to know what God is like, it’s like Jesus, and what I’ve found is that the more you trust that the Bible is inspired by God, the more it makes sense.
Today in the article : Why and how should we read the Bible? The first part? We reviewed useful information about the Bible and the way of Jesus. If you wish, you can view other articles of Ali Vahidi about Christianity