Why did Jesus Christ die? Part II
Why did Jesus Christ die?
Jesus died in our place. Crucifixion was the height of suffering and the depth of shame.
But the New Testament does not talk about the physical pain of torture and crucifixion because maybe other people in history had a more horrible death. Even now the dead in the world are being crucified.
Our suffering of Jesus was unparalleled because not only did he suffer physically and emotionally, but he also suffered spiritually because he bore our sins.
The cross and the resurrection are one event, and the result of the crucifixion is as beautiful as the different shapes of a diamond.
It shows how much God loves you.
Jesus bore our guilt and shame on the cross. So you don’t need to feel guilty or ashamed because you are loved.
Your value is your value to God.
We are infinitely valuable to God because Jesus died in our place. Its other form shows the true nature of love. Love is just a feeling
No, it is beyond words, love requires action. Jesus showed his love by giving his life for us. He sacrificed himself for us.
Believing in God does not mean that you cannot doubt and ask questions.
Jesus Christ himself cried out on the cross: God, God, why did you leave me alone?
The crucifixion, death and suffering of Jesus Christ help us in our sufferings because it helps us to understand that God is not far from us sitting on the clouds.
He came in the form of Jesus and suffered himself. He himself knows what it means to suffer and died, so he understands what we suffer.
The resurrection of Jesus shows us that death is not the end of life.
That even if we are suffering now, one day there will be no more suffering and there will not be much pain.
The resurrection represented a victory and meant that bad things were not going to have the last word. You may have a difficult time.
You may really struggle with things, but Satan will not have the last word because he was defeated on the cross. Through the cross, the separation between us and God has been removed.
Why did Jesus Christ die?
Apostle Paul says: God reconciled with the world through Christ. This does not mean that God punished a third person, Jesus, on the cross. Rather, God himself came to this earth in the form of his son.
As in the story of the prodigal son, when we come home, God welcomes us, hugs us, kisses us, loves us. We make peace with him and can have a close and intimate relationship with the Father.
Reconciliation with God helps us to have reconciliation in all our relationships.
Jesus has paid the price for all our sins and it is enough to accept this gift. But we cannot do whatever we like just because we know we will be forgiven. In fact, the opposite is true. Instead of being a reason to sin, it is an incentive not to sin.
The power of sin was destroyed through the cross. Jesus said: If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. Our habits and addictions were abandoned.
The blood of Jesus Christ washes away all sins. First Yo Hanna 1:7
Not forgiving ourselves is like considering ourselves as a court higher than God’s court. If God forgives, you have to forgive yourself and we others
We forgive because we have been forgiven many times. Forgiveness is a choice, but it is not an option and it is not easy.
Today in the article : Ali Vahidi: Why did Jesus Christ die? Part II We reviewed useful information about the Bible and the way of Jesus. If you wish, you can view other articles of Ali Vahidi about Christianity