3 Daily Habits to Cultivate a Deeper Relationship with Jesus Christ
Building a deep relationship with Jesus Christ requires daily commitment and effort. Here are 3 simple but powerful habits you can use to cultivate this relationship in your life
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1. How to search for God with all our heart?
When love conquers the heart, a deep longing to be with the Beloved takes over every thought—every moment spent eagerly discovering, approaching, and cherishing every aspect of him. Similarly, the search for God reflects this intensity. God said in a speech to his people:
‘You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your being.’ – Jeremiah 29:13
Just as the heart is completely captivated in a romantic relationship, so is the search for God, which requires a passionate and sincere search. In seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus, seeking God with all of your being is essential. This means spending time in prayer, meditating on the Bible, and deepening your understanding of His teachings. As we meditate on the eternal values emphasized in the Bible, such as love, peace, and joy, our hearts are aligned with spiritual treasures that transcend material abundance.
Seeking and knowing Him brings lasting riches—peace that endures through life’s storms, joy that passes through sorrows, assurance of God’s unfailing care, and assurance of an eternal promise in heaven.
Getting closer to Jesus Christ is achieved by deepening our relationship through His living, eternal and enduring Word (1 Peter 1:20). Seeking and growing in knowing Jesus Christ creates a solid foundation for a closer relationship with Him. And the more we get to know Him, the more our transformation will conform to His divine attributes. In everyday life, experiencing heavenly moments with Jesus through immersion in God’s word, prayer and the beauty of His presence becomes a source of passion and reflects our desire like Joshua’s. Just as Joshua stayed in God’s presence after Moses spoke face to face with God (Exodus 33:11), we long for more such divine encounters.
Prioritizing Jesus Christ in our daily schedule encourages us to make intentional time in the midst of our busy schedules. As we continually seek God and adjust our hearts and minds to truly know Him, we will find Him, as promised: “You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with all your being.” Search” (Jeremiah 29:13).
2. How to surrender our will to the will of God?
Human nature wants control and convinces us that we know the best timing and solution for different situations. However, in these moments of pride, we often see the consequences of broken relationships, job losses, and health problems beyond our control. However, God reigns over all circumstances. A kind elderly lady from the church said, “Nothing happens by chance, everything is God’s will.”
God’s ways often challenge conventional wisdom and introduce profound transformations—declaring that the first will be last, the humble will be exalted, and that giving is more valuable than receiving. Surrendering to God’s will involves another reversal:
“Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” – Matthew 10:39
Peter, as a devoted follower of Jesus Christ, is very familiar with submission as an important matter, conveying this mindset in 1 Peter 4:1 when he says, “Therefore, as Christ suffered in his body, you also yourselves Arm yourself with the same weapon, for whoever suffers in the body. It is finished with sin. He also emphasizes in verse 2 that this attitude leads to a life that is not guided by earthly desires but by God’s divine will. Peter’s example was simply to follow and try to imitate the example of Jesus in Matthew 26:39:
“He went a little further, put his face on the ground and prayed: “My father, if it is possible, remove this cup from me. But not as I want, but as you want.
Surrendering our will to God’s will is an act of worship that changes our thought processes. Thus, we will successfully “test and confirm the will of God—his good, acceptable, and perfect will,” as Romans 2:10-12 says. Charles Spurgeon said it well: “Joy is a banner that flies from the castle of the heart, when the king is in the lodge.”
3. How to serve God with obedience?
Serving God in the first place means prioritizing our actions and decisions based on His principles. By doing so, putting God’s kingdom first assures us that we will have all the things we need for life—clothing, food, and provisions, because “our heavenly Father knows that you need them” (Matthew 6: 32). And in verse 33 it continues with the promise:
“But seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be given unto you.”
Serving from a heart full of love for God is inextricably linked with obedience, a commitment to selfless service, which is modeled on the selfless love that Jesus Christ demonstrated through obedience: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny and take up his cross” (Matthew 16:24).
Following Jesus leads us to serve him.
Jesus Christ (Mark 10:45) did not come to serve but to serve, as shown by the act of washing the disciples’ feet. This act of humility, found in John chapter 13, verses 1-17, displays the incarnation of God incarnate, who descended to earth, took on human clothing, and conquered sin and death. It is significant that Jesus, the master and teacher, chose to minister to his ordinary, sinful disciples who did not understand. Instead of receiving their service, he assumed the role of a servant.
Today in the article : What Are the Four Horsemen in the Apocalypse During the End Times? We reviewed useful information about the Bible and the way of Jesus. If you wish, you can view other articles of Ali Vahidi about Christianity