overflowing bowls (spiritual awakening)
It should be known that crushing is only the beginning of spiritual awakening. The main meaning of spiritual awakening is that a person is filled with the Holy Spirit and in this way a victorious life begins. If we are asked right now whether we are full of the Holy Spirit or not, how many people can answer yes? Awakening exists when we can give a positive answer to the above question every minute and every day. A positive answer to this question is not a sign of self-conceit, because being filled is entirely the work of God and is the result of His grace and mercy. All we have to do is to offer our crushed and empty ego to Him and let Him fill it and keep it overflowing. Andrew Murray says: “Just as water flows into the lower places and fills them, in the same way, when God sees that we are sunken and empty, He pours His glory and power into us.” “The best example that can be mentioned for this issue is to say that the human heart is like a bowl that should be kept in front of Jesus and be asked to fill it with the water of life. We often imagine that Jesus has the water of life with him in a golden container. When he passes by us and looks into our bowl, if it is clean, he fills it with the water of life and because Jesus always passes by us, our life bowls can be full and overflowing every day. become
Hazrat Dawood understood this fact when he said: “My bowl is full”. This is spiritual awakening. It means that the bowl of mine and yours should be so full of blessings that we both find blessings ourselves and cause others to find blessings and our hearts are full of permanent peace. Some people think that denying one’s self and dying for oneself makes a person poor and poor, but the truth is exactly the opposite. The reason for our poverty is that we are not willing to die to ourselves. The more we learn about the death of Jesus, the more his life appears in us and the more real our joy and peace become. His life creates in us a desire to save others and flows from us to lost people and makes Christians wish for more blessings as a result of our life.
Under the Blood (Spiritual Awakening)
Only one thing prevents Christ from filling our cups when He passes by us, and that is sin, which takes a thousand forms. Jesus Christ does not fill dirty bowls. Everything that originates from our ego and selfishness, no matter how small, is still a sin. Personal effort and selfishness while serving is a sin. Self-pity when faced with difficulties and temptations, seeking profit in ordinary work and Christian service, following whims when idle, sensitive, quick-tempered, angry, defending ourselves when others have hurt us, selfishness, anxiety. And anxiety and fear all originate from our ego and selfishness and make the cup of our life impure.
overflowing bowls
All these sins were put in another cup that Jesus Christ refused to eat for a few moments in the Garden of Gethsemane, but he drank it to the end in Calvary. This bowl was the bowl of our sins. If we allow Him to show us what is in our bowls and then surrender them completely to Him, He will make them pure and clean with His precious blood.
Some may object and say that these things should not be called sins, but should be called “weaknesses and imperfections” and they say that if we call these things sins, “we will be very limited.” But the opposite is true. If these are not sins, then we have to keep them for the rest of our lives and we cannot get rid of them. But if we accept that these and similar things are sins, we can purify ourselves in the life-giving spring of Christ. For this purpose, as soon as we realize that such things exist in us, we must immediately bring them under his precious blood, in fact, we must know that they are all sins. These are based on unbelief and in a way arrogance, arrogance that has repeatedly hindered the work of Christ and hidden his light.
Taken from the book of the Way of the Cross
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