Share in the privileges of Christ
Participating in Christ’s Privileges (Continued) Secondly, in union with Christ, a person enjoys the results and blessings resulting from the fundamental events of his life. All experiences known as salvation in Christian theology are the result of this union. Immortality does not mean enjoying a general and unspecified righteousness and innocence that God has taken out of his sleeve, so to speak, but it means enjoying the righteousness of Christ himself in the presence of God. In godly death, a blessed exchange takes place: we give our sin and condemnation to Christ; He gives us his righteousness and innocence. Reconciliation, which is another important concept of cognitive salvation, in the final analysis means having a peaceful and loving relationship between Christ and the Father. New birth and enjoying a new creation and humanity also means being resurrected with Christ from the dead and enjoying his resurrection life. This new humanity is actually placing Christ himself in the heart so that he lives in us. According to Paul, in this new man, Christ is all and in all (Colossians 11:3), adoption means sharing in Christ’s sonship as the son of God, and having a relationship with the Father as his children, in union with Christ (Galatians 26:3 7:4). And this means to be loved by the father and to love and obey him with submission and surrender. Sanctification means becoming like Christ day by day, which of course takes place through the formation of Christ himself in us (Romans 2908-30). The church means organization as the body of Christ, and membership in it means having a dynamic and organic relationship with the members of this body and with the head, Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12 and 27). And finally, to be glorified means to have the glory of Christ himself and to be fully conformed to him. Therefore, salvation or redemption very briefly means sharing in the life, filial piety, relationship, holiness and glory of the Son of God.
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Relationship with father
In all of the gifts and blessings that we have listed, the believer in Christ is placed in a special relationship with the “Father” in union with the “Son”. His life and personality are transformed under the influence of the interaction between him and the Father, and he gets a special identity, form and meaning, in fact, all the gifts and privileges that believers receive in union with Christ. In the final analysis, it originates from the father and finds meaning and fulfillment in relation to him.
The godly death means that the Christian is considered innocent in front of the Father and in front of his judgement, and the Father treats him as one who has been acquitted. This, in turn, means establishing peace and reconciliation instead of alienation and enmity between us and the father. The Word of God clearly says that it is the Father who reconciles us to Himself through Christ. New birth and adoption means that the father adopts us and gives us a new birth. A believer in Christ not only enjoys the position of adoption, but is also born into the divine family. This spiritual birth places him in the relationship of a child with the heavenly father. The father loves him like his only son, gives him life, and fulfills his needs. The father uses him, sanctifies him and brings him to glory. A Christian, as a child, calls God “Daddy”, with the courage and freedom of children, he goes to the Father’s presence, confidently requests his needs from the Father, and trusts and trusts him in everything. He is also expected to submit to his father, to obey him wholeheartedly, and to put him first in everything. Therefore, the correct understanding of salvation not only requires knowing the meaning and results of the union with the “Son”, but it is “basically not possible.”
Filled with the Holy Spirit
But without knowing the work of the Holy Spirit, our understanding of salvation is still incomplete. Everything that we experience in union with the Son actually takes effect in us through his spirit and work. The essence of the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation should be sought in his role in the Trinity. As we have seen, the Holy Spirit is the spirit of friendship that connects the father and the son. Everything that the Father does to the Son and the Son to the Father is done through the Spirit. Everything that is given to the son by the father, and what is given to the father by the son, is done through the spirit.
Exactly the same system is in place in rescue. The Holy Spirit acts as the executive and communicating arm of God in our lives. The Holy Spirit first connects us to the Son. As we have seen before, our union with the Son of God, which is the basis of our salvation, is based on the work of the Holy Spirit in addition to the representation of the Son. It is the Holy Spirit who puts Christ in us and us in Christ (Romans 10-908; Ephesians 16:3-17). The Holy Spirit is the cause of our unity with Christ. According to Paul, “He who joins God is one spirit with Him” (1 Corinthians 17:6). What Paul means by “one spirit” here is the Holy Spirit. Also, referring to the day of the coming of the Holy Spirit, Jesus tells the disciples: “On that day you will know that I am in the Father, and you in me, and I in you” (John 14:20). On the other hand, the Holy Spirit, in union with Christ, connects us to the Father and puts us in a relationship with the Father. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of adoption that gives us a new birth. We are born into the divine family through the Spirit and become children of the Father (John 5:3-6). Therefore, the Christian life basically begins with the work of the Spirit (Galatians 303). With . In addition, the Holy Spirit testifies to our souls that we are God’s children and puts their call on our lips (Gholataban 604; Romans 1508). It is through the spirit that we truly experience being children of God. Also, the Holy Spirit reveals both the Father and the Son to us through his various gifts and gives us a deep knowledge of each of them (1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 1:17), the Holy Spirit reveals the presence of the Father and the Son to He blesses us and establishes tangible and living friendship between us and those two companions (John 14:23; 2 Corinthians 14:13; 1 John 3:1). The Holy Spirit presents us and makes us more like Christ every day (Galatians 16:5-18; 2 Corinthians 17:3-18). The Holy Spirit gives life to our mortal and perishable bodies and transforms them into the glorious body of Christ (Romans 1108; 1 Corinthians 15). In all of these, the Holy Spirit acts as the executive power of the Father and the Son, he gives us life, power, wisdom, love, word and holiness of God.
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