Things Saving Grace
Eternal salvation with the help of the Bible is a complex concept in Christian theology that refers to the ultimate salvation of man from sin and eternal punishment. This concept has been discussed and debated throughout history and various definitions and interpretations have been presented.
Eternal salvation does not come cheap
There are several misconceptions about eternal salvation. First of all, eternal salvation is not the name of a baseball team! But some concepts are raised next to the concept of eternal salvation, and sometimes they wear artificial glasses and mustaches to pretend to be eternal salvation. But true eternal salvation can be discerned with some precision; The mustache attached to the glasses is too ridiculous to be real. Likewise, here are four things that eternal salvation is not.
I am indebted to Dietrich Bonhoeffer for this concept. Bonhoeffer saw many of his countrymen follow Hitler and all his filth like lemmings. In his book “The Cost of Christ’s Discipleship”, he proposed the concept of “cheap eternal salvation”. He describes this concept as follows:
Cheap eternal salvation means preaching forgiveness without repentance, baptism without church order, communion without confession, and forgiveness of sins without personal confession. This is the kind of salvation that can be obtained without following Christ, without the cross and without Jesus Christ alive and incarnate.
Bible: Eternal salvation is not a license to sin
The apostle Paul had to deal directly with this issue. Whenever we talk about the grace of salvation, this question always comes up. Paul says in Romans chapter 6, verse 1 and 2: “Then what shall we say? Shall we remain in sin so that grace may increase? Hasha! For we who are dead to sin, how shall we live in it?”
Paul had to ask these questions because an ignorant person thought that eternal salvation was like receiving a passport to enter the land of corruption and licentiousness.
Eternal salvation is not achieved by human effort
It seems silly for anyone to want to get a gift, but such a silly concept is woven into our celebrations. Doesn’t Santa Claus ask every child who sits on his leg if he’s been a good boy or girl? It doesn’t seem to affect whether or not you get the toy airgun gift.
But Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us that when it comes to salvation, asking Santa Claus is as silly as using a reindeer as a vehicle. These verses declare, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not of yourselves, but the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” If eternal salvation was somehow achieved by human effort, it would no longer be called grace.
Eternal salvation is not temporary
When I was in junior high, my basketball coach decided to make me the starting point guard. She was new to the area but had played a little softball with my dad that summer. I guess for him a relative acquaintance was better than unknown players. I was very fast and much better at baseball – he had probably seen me throw a ball on the sidelines and thought my athletic ability could be applied to other disciplines. To be honest, my becoming the team’s main point guard didn’t have much to do with my own efforts. You could say it was entirely due to grace (or maybe the coach’s ignorance, but that weakens my example).
But eternal salvation is not like that. Eternal salvation through faith is a permanent gift from God. This grace is not temporary and lasts forever.
Today in the article : Things Saving Grace We reviewed useful information about the Bible and the way of Jesus. If you wish, you can view other articles of Ali Vahidi about Christianity