What does a new birth in Christ mean?
A new life is necessary for a new birth. We were not born in Christ, but were born dead in our mistakes and sins. (Ephesians (12) What is God’s plan to transform us from being in Adam to being in Christ? Jesus said: “Amen.” Amen, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. John (33) We know that physical birth is only physical life, that is, the eternal life that Christ promises to those who believe in him. It is achieved only through spiritual birth. (John 3603) What does it mean to be alive in Christ? (Rev. 21:27) Eternal life is not something you learn after death.
Beloved, you are spiritually alive in Christ now. You will never be more spiritually revived than you are right now. The only thing that happens after your physical death is that you will exchange your mortal body for a new, resurrected body. Your spiritual life in Christ began and will continue when you personally believed in Him. which will be added in the future, but it is a transformation that is related to the present time. This change and transformation happens in spiritual birth, not in physical death.
Being a Christian is not just about achieving something, it’s about being someone. A Christian is not just someone who is forgiven and goes to heaven. A Christian is in the deepest form of self-identity, a holy adopted child of God, a divine masterpiece, a child of light, and a citizen of heaven. Being born again makes you a person you were not before. It’s not about what you get as a Christian; It’s about who you are. What you do as a Christian does not express your identity, but your identity expresses your behavior and performance. 2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 2:10, 1 Peter 9:2 and 1 John 110 (1:3 and 2).
Understanding who you are in Christ is absolutely vital to living a successful Christian life. No one can always act in a way that is contrary to the way they personally see and understand it. Your character is influenced by the vision you have of yourself. You are not changing. By believing in the truth, you change the vision you have about yourself. If the vision you have of yourself is wrong, the way you live will also be wrong because your faith is not right and true. If you think that you are a useless person, you will most likely live like a useless person, but if you do not see yourself as a child of God who is spiritually alive, you will live the same way. After knowing God, the most important truth you can achieve is knowing yourself. Satan’s main strategy is to make God’s character look bad and distort the truth about our identity. He cannot change God and your status and identity in Christ. But if he can force us to believe a lie, we will live as if our identity in Christ is invalid.
New birth in Christ: New life is the result of a new identity
Have you noticed that one of the most common words used in the New Testament to identify Christians is the word “saints”? Literally, a saint refers to a holy person. But Paul and other epistle writers increasingly use this word to describe ordinary Christians like you and me. For example, look at Paul’s tribute in 1 Corinthians 21 to the church of God in Corinth, sanctified in Christ Jesus. They have been called to be God’s holy people along with all those who call the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in every other place, who is our (God) and also (God) theirs.
Note that Paul does not mean that we become saints by doing hard work, he clearly states that our holiness is the result of God’s calling. The tendency of the church is to believe that saints are people who have earned this high title due to having an extraordinary life or by achieving a certain degree of spiritual maturity. In the Bible, believers are described as saints, which means holy persons. Romans 1:7; 1 Corinthians 2:1; 2 Corinthians 1:1; Philippians (11). Being holy does not necessarily reflect an existing standard of character development, but it is representative of people who have a right relationship with God. In the old translation of the Bible, believers are called with titles such as “saints”, “saints” or “pious” in more than 240 cases, while unbelievers are called sinners in more than 330 cases. In the word of God, the term “saint” It is clearly used for the believer and the term “sinner” is used for the unbeliever.
Today in the article : What does a new birth in Christ mean? We reviewed useful information about the Bible and the way of Jesus. If you wish, you can view other articles of Ali Vahidi about Christianity