What Does it Mean that Jesus ‘Gave Up the Ghost’?
One of the basic principles of Christianity is surrendering the soul to God. This article examines the concept and importance of the surrender of the Spirit by Jesus and examines its role in the faith and life of Christians. In the Bible, when Jesus Christ died on the cross, a phrase is used that says “Jesus gave up the ghost”. What does this phrase mean?
In what context is “Jesus gave up the ghost” used in Luke 23:46?
Luke 23 recounts the events leading up to the crucifixion and death of Jesus. Jesus was arrested and tried by the Sanhedrin, the religious ruling council of the Jews, who were supposed to uphold the Old Testament law and God’s truth.
Since the Jews were a conquered people, they did not have the authority to carry out the death sentence, so they sent Jesus to Pontius Pilate, the local Roman governor.
Luke 23 begins with Pilate’s questioning of Christ. When Pilate realizes that this is also a religious issue related to the Kingdom of Judah, he sends Jesus to Herod.
Jesus did not say a word in response to Herod’s questions, although the chief priests and scribes accused him. Herod and his soldiers mockingly put a royal robe on him as a joke and brought Jesus back to Pilate.
Pilate still could not find Christ guilty and decided to rebuke Christ and release him, because according to the local law and the agreement with the Jews on the Passover, he could hand over a prisoner to the Jews.
The Jewish leaders incited the people to demand instead freedom with Rebas, a criminal political revolutionary. “Crucify him!” cried the Jews. Until Pilate gave in and handed Jesus over to be crucified.
Jesus forgives the men who drove the nails into his hands while being mocked by the crowd. If he was the son of God and could do such miracles, why didn’t he save himself?
This is a reasonable question.
After encountering two thieves, one of whom was promised the kingdom for defending the innocence of Jesus, the sun darkened and the veil of the temple was torn.
At this point, we come to the point. Luke 23:46 says in the King James Version: “And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and when he had said this, he gave up his spirit.”
He surrendered his soul.
The importance of Jesus’ “surrender of the Spirit.”
The phrase “surrender of the soul” is an Old English translation of the Greek phrase “paradidōmi to pneuma”. The Old English phrase means the moment of a person’s death, as if the soul is released as the body ceases to breathe.
However, other translations do not use this old term for death. Even the New King James Version changes it to “He breathed his last”.
Why is the use of “giving up the spirit” important in the King James Version?
First, for a clue, we can look at Luke 23:46. What words did Christ speak before dying? Jesus Christ did not say anything by accident and, as he clearly stated, he did not speak of himself. He only spoke what the Father said (John 12:49), so these last words were intentional and meaningful.
Before dying, Christ said: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Here it states that he chose the moment of his death, that he had the power to choose the exact time of his death.
Some may argue that Christ may have simply realized that he was dying; The time was near. This is what happens to people who are not sons of God, a mystical fact where ordinary people realize that they are dying and say so shortly before.
But this argument is problematic. Because first, Jesus never predicted the moment of death of anyone else during his life. He does not even predict when He will return (Matthew 24:36).
Second, Jesus has repeatedly declared throughout the Bible that He has power over death (John 10:18). He says that no one can take his life from him, but he himself lays it down (John 10:18).
Therefore, the King James Version’s use of “give up the soul” highlights the fact that Christ’s death was not accidental or forced, but deliberate and chosen. He knowingly gave up his life to take away the sins of mankind.
Consequently, the “giving up of the soul” of Jesus Christ is an event of great significance, demonstrating both His power over death and His great love for mankind.
Today in the article : What Does it Mean that Jesus ‘Gave Up the Ghost’? We reviewed useful information about the Bible and the way of Jesus. If you wish, you can view other articles of Ali Vahidi about Christianity