Why did Jesus Christ die? The first part
Why did Jesus Christ die? The first part
The cross is a symbol of the Christian faith. About a third of the Bible is about the death of Jesus.
Much of the rest of the New Testament explains the cause of Jesus’ death. Jesus died because He loves you.
There is a verse in the New Testament in which Paul says: The Son of God loved me and gave his life for me.
You are loved and loved.
This message is the heart of the New Testament and this message is the heart of this world. If you were the only person in the world, Jesus would die for you. He loves you so much.
His love for you is unconditional, sincere and everlasting. This is the greatest love you can imagine and this is the reason for the cross, this is God’s amazing love for you and understanding this can completely change your life.
But what was the need to do this? You are created in God’s image, God loves you and created you. This means that you are God’s masterpiece.
The world is much more complicated than saying that there are both bad guys and good guys. People who are ready to give a lot of love and sacrifice can also do bad things.
We all have done bad things in our lives, we have hurt the people we love and maybe we deeply regret what we have done.
The New Testament has expressed this issue as follows: everyone has sinned and is unable to glorify God. Romans 3:23 And the glory of God was revealed in Jesus.
Compared to him, none of us could show the glory of God.
The mistakes we make can destroy our lives. Sin destroys our relationships with each other and with God.
The word sin in the Bible has a very deep meaning and is even beyond our understanding. Sin is addictive. Sin is powerful.
Jesus Christ said: Anyone who sins is a slave to sin.
Example: If you use heroin for a long time, you will become addicted. But it is not only hard drugs that you become addicted to, but you may become addicted to things like bad temper, jealousy, arrogance, pride, selfishness, slander and sexual corruption.
This is the same slavery that Jesus talked about and it has destructive power over our lives.
When we hear about a child being molested, or an elderly person being brutally attacked in their home, we wish that the people who did these things would be caught and punished because we believe that there should be punishment for sin.
Why did Jesus Christ die?
But it is not only others who deserve punishment for their sins, we ourselves also deserve it. But it is easier to think about punishing others than to think about punishing ourselves.
Paul says in the epistle of Romans 2:1: Therefore, you who judge, whoever you are, you have no excuse, because what you judge others, you give a fatwa to yourself, because you who judge, do the same things to others. you act
The wrong things we do create a barrier, similar to when we fight with a loved one, for example with a family member or close friend that we can’t look in the eye after the fight.
It’s as if something is between you and him and the bad things we do, our sin, creates a wall and a barrier between us and God, it remains like a disconnection, and this is bad news, but the good news is that God loves you. And he came to earth in the form of his son to die for us all.
1 Peter 2:24 Who himself (that is, Jesus Christ) bore our sins in his own body on the cross…by whose stripes you have been healed.
Today in the article : Ali Vahidi: Why did Jesus Christ die? The first part We reviewed useful information about the Bible and the way of Jesus. If you wish, you can view other articles of Ali Vahidi about Christianity